With the addition of new units, structures, and upgrades-plus enhanced controls, Battle Honors, and a variety of new online features-Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour gives players the firepower they’ll need for global domination. To emerge victorious, even the most experienced C&C Generals’ veteran must discover new tactics and strategies to take full advantage of-and learn to defend against-the world’s most lethal weapons. Command & Conquer: Generals Zero Hour Free Download Command & Conquer: Installed Game Selecting from a variety of new units and an arsenal of new high-tech weaponry, players will use whatever it takes to remove enemy Generals from power. It also keeps engine noise to comfortable. In Command & Conquer™ Generals: Zero Hour, the first expansion pack to Command & Conquer Generals, players will wage a global war for control of the modern world and face the ultimate challenge by squaring off against the world’s most elite commanders. Freemake Audio Converter supports most audio formats and lets convert them to MP3, WMA, WAV, FLAC, AAC, M4A, OGG.
Command and Conquer: Generals is a real time strategy video game developed and published by Electronic.
It’s Zero Hour, and time to unleash the absolute latest in modern weapons technology in a quest to become the world’s most powerful General. Command & Conquer: Generals download for free. Command & Conquer: Generals Zero Hour Free Download